Sunday, January 24, 2010

Diets Are So 2009 !!! - Shrinkx Hips

A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips?
Girl, please. Who needs the 30-Day Shred when you’ve got the Shrinkx Hips belt?

If you just gave birth, strap yourself into one of these babies asap and watch the inches melt away. Shrinkx Hips works by turning the tables on Relaxin, the hormone responsible for loosening your pelvic joints and ligaments during pregnancy. The belt exerts gentle pressure on the hips so that instead of settling into their new and expanded position, they compress and get narrower.
Amazingly, 95 percent of moms who used Shrinkx in the first eight weeks after childbirth reported that their hips whittled down to their pre-preggers size or smaller. Which basically means that when it comes to preventing pregnancy-related hip-widening, Shrinkx are almost as effective as, well, condoms.
Skinny jeans, here you come!


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