My Snowy Valentine

Friday, February 12, 2010

It's Valentine's weekend and love is in the air... can you feel it? And if that weren't romantic enough... it's snowing... everywhere!
Take time out this weekend for 2 things...
1. Bundle your baby (or your belly), go outside and take a picture! Your baby book or scrap book or facebook will thank you.
2. Take time out to snuggle with your Valentine! I know sometimes our husbands aren't as perfect as we are... I mean, as we want them to be, but keep in mind that he's new at this parent thing too and he's learning just like you are. And besides, he's 1/2 the reason you're a parent anyway... that's reason enough to smooch on him! How lucky are we? A husband and a baby to love this Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day!!!! Stay warm...


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